Kieron Jina

I Release You

Johannesburg, Barcelona, Berlin
Kieron Jina: I Release You

Kieron Jina premieres his latest piece «I Release You» in Zurich. The artistic focus of this «professional troublemaker» moves between post-colonial historiography and queer storytelling – always with an activist aspect and in search of empathy and shared experiences. Jina combines costumes and practices with Afro-futurist and cultural clichés to constantly create new perspectives. His interdisciplinary work includes research, dance, performance and drag. Jina deliberately involves the audience in his pieces as he energetically roams through culture and history. (zts)

Simple words

Kieron Jina is an artist from South Africa.

He is looking for experiences that other people have also had.

He wants to share these experiences.

Kieron Jina uses stories, dance and costumes and his body to engage with culture and history.

Artistic direction and cast

Konzept, Regie, ChoreografieKieron Jina
PerformanceKieron Jina, Abida Noble
Komposition, SounddesignYogin Sullaphen
LichtdesignGretchen Blegen
KostümeKieron Jina
DankFestspielhaus Hellerau, Anna Anderegg, Joni Barnard, Mathias Becker, Dr. Peter Süß, Anan Fries, Nils Haarmann, Negiste Yesside Johnson, Mmakgosi Kagbi
UnterstützungMerit Art Collective, AfriArtik
Foto Kieron Jina & Negiste Yesside Johnson

Zentral Stages

Site map

Performance, Post-Colonial Historiography, Queer Storytelling

Short Piece / Nominated for the ZKB Acknowledgement Prize, Premiere


30 mins.




14 years plus

An inclusive event

accessible with wheelchair


An event in collaboration with IG Rote Fabrik



shows from today
  • Th 24.08. 20:30 - 21:00 Admission free 
  • Fr 25.08. 20:30 - 21:00 Admission free 
  • Sa 26.08. 18:00 - 18:30 Admission free 
