Zürcher Theater Spektakel 2023
The next edition of the Zürcher Theater Spektakel takes place from Thursday 17 August to Sunday 3 September 2023.
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Please order your press tickets here and note the following conditions:
- Press tickets are only issued to reporting journalists.
- Only one press ticket is issued per media and production.
- Due to the limited capacities, no additional tickets will be issued or seat reservations accepted.
- You receive a confirmation of your order via email informing you also on the availability of additional tickets.
- Please print out the press tickets yourself.
- The number of press tickets per journalist is limited. If you need additional press tickets, please contact the media office.
About the festival
For general information about the Zürcher Theater Spektakel, the focus of the programme and the history of the festival see here.
For further information and photos please contact the media office.