Amanda Piña

The School of Mountains and Water – Mountains in Resistance 


Watch the trailer here

Amanda Piña looks at mountains as bodies of this earth with their own knowledge – just like humans, animals, plants and water. According to the Mexican-Chilean-Austrian choreographer, dancer and curator, the «modern» separation of nature and mankind should be discarded and mountains no longer regarded and exploited as a resource or a holiday destination. In her artistic inquiry, Piña combines indigenous knowledge with scientific research and social and cultural movement practices. In doing so, she pleads for a caring realignment of our relationships with the bodies of this earth – and reminds us of the interdependence in our environment and how important it is to preserve the life-giving cycle of nature.

This is the starting point of her guided tour, «Mountains in Resistance – The School of Mountains and Water», a process of unlearning colonial thinking. The site-specific walk takes us from the Landiwiese to the Allmend, highlighting alternative perspectives in our immediate environment by relating the Alps to the Andes. Piña specifically reflects on the relationship between people living in Zurich and the nearby Alps. How much of the mountain range do they embody? (pt)

Simple words

The artist Amanda Piña finds that not only people have knowledge.

Mountains, animals, water or forests are also bodies and have knowledge.

We humans share the earth with them.

During a walk, we will think together about our relationship to the environment.

Amanda Piña wants us to be more mindful.

Artistic direction and cast

Künstlerische Leitung & ChoreografieAmanda Piña
Künstlerische GestaltungMichel Jimenez 
Mit Matilde Amigo, Juan Jose Ramirez García, Angela Muñoz, Rocio Marano, Federico Protto, Dafne Moreno, Pierre-Louis Kerbart, Leonel Lienlaf
Dramaturgie Cecilia Vellejos
Sounddesign Dominik Traun
Musik Angela Muñoz 
Kostüme Federico Protto, Europa Million 
RegieassistenzPierre-Louis Kerbart


ProduktionFortuna / Amanda Piña
KoproduktionTanzquartier Wien, Zürcher Theater Spektakel
UnterstützungKulturabteilung Wien, Bundesministerium für Kunst und Kultur Österreich 
«Montañas Vivas», die Chilenische Version von «The School of Mountains and Waters», wurde produziert im Rahmen der Serie Terreno Común der Siemens Stiftung, in Zusammenarbeit mit MIM, Mirador Interactive Museum und GAM, Gabriela Mistral Arts Center, Amanda Piña / Fortuna wird unterstützt durch die Kulturabteilung Wien (MA 7)

PremiereJuni 2021, Tanzquartier Wien

In the forest

Site map

Performative Walk, Nature, Indigenous Knowledge

Swiss Premiere, Co-Production


3 hrs.




16 years plus

Open-Air Performance

In case of adverse weather, the performance will be cancelled. Information on potential cancellation on our website no later than 2 hours before the start of performance


Start at Landiwiese, finish at Allmend Brunau. Walk of several hours without seating. You will receive more information on the day before the walk.


Tue 22.8., 21.00 hrs, further information


The performances at the Zürcher Theater Spektakel are supported by the Ernst Göhner Stiftung, the G+B Schwyzer Stiftung and the Tanzhaus Zürich




shows from today
  • Fr 18.08. 18:00 - 21:30 CHF 35.–/20.– 
  • Sa 19.08. 18:00 - 21:30 CHF 35.–/20.– 
  • Su 20.08. 18:00 - 21:30 CHF 35.–/20.– 
  • Mo 21.08. 18:00 - 21:30 CHF 35.–/20.– 
